Black Friday is fast approaching, many people are likely wondering what to buy for the fly angler on their Christmas list. Well those people are in luck because I just happen to be a fly angler and I have a pretty good idea of what the fly angler on your Christmas list would like for the holidays.
This post uses amazon links, I receive a small commission from anything sold on Amazon at no additional cost to you.
I’ve linked to other products here as well, but I don’t receive commision from those non-Amazon links, I just thought they were cool and wanted to share.
Your fly angler also tie their own flys? Check out these gift ideas for a fly tyer.
Fish Face Mugs
These are some really cool mugs featuring trout face artwork from Derek. They even have a fly hooked in the corner of the fishes mouth, so cool!
Mugs can be found here. If those are not quite your anglers style, try these stoneware mugs instead, or perhaps you would like advice from a trout?
Rod and reel
The most essential of fly fishing equipment is the rod and reel. If you’re shopping for a first time fly fisher, consider a more affordable combo pack to get the aspiring fly angler started. If you’re buying for a more seasoned angler, ask them specifically if there’s a specific rod or reel they want, as they’ll likely be looking to move past the introductory equipment.
Orvis 5-weight 9′ Fly Rod Outfit (5wt, 9’0″, 4pc) (Amazon Link) Can be bought here. This is an excellent starter rod, reel, and line kit for someone looking to get into fly fishing.
Rod Case
Packing up a fly rod to move from fishing hole to fishing hole often involves putting the rod in the trunk of a car or bed of a truck. It’s often not to only thing in there, and is likley to get damaged if not properly stored. A fly rod case is a great idea to make moving a fly rod safer, and reduces the likley hood of it getting broken.
Fly Rod Case for 4 piece fly rod (Amazon Link) Can be bought here.
New scissors and/or Pliers
If they don’t already have a nice set, a good set of pliers and scissors make life so much easier on the river. Make sure you buy one that comes with a lanyard, many fly anglers are guilty of losing more tools in the river than they care to count. Aluminium or other non rust material is a must for saltwater fly anglers so it doesn’t rust.
Aluminum Fishing Pliers (Amazon Link) Can be bought here.
Even if your fly angler is an fly tying machine, new flies will always be appreciated. The best fly patterns to buy would be ones that are either:
- Difficult or time consuming to tie.
- Use difficult to obtain or expensive materials that the fly tier doesn’t already have,
- Is a favourite of the fly angler and he goes through quite a few of them in a season.
- A fly pattern that is completely new to the fly angler that is still appropriate for the species they fish for.
Flies that are one, two, or any combination of these traits would be good picks. For extra bonus points, gift the flies inside a new fly box! If you yourself are a fly tier, tie up a bunch of patterns yourself and fill a fly box with them.
Fly boxes
If your fly angler is anything like me, they have many, many more flies than they are able to properly store. Fly boxes are a great idea. I really like water proof ones like the one pictured. For bonus points, fill the box with flies!
A twist on a fly box is to get them a clip on patch that the angler can attach to their shirt or waders. A fly patch makes swapping out flies on the river that much more convenient.
Smith Creek Fly Patch (Amazon Link) Can be bought here.
Trout Fly Pack of 24 Flies + Waterproof Fly Box (Amazon Link) Can be bought here. This is a great gift idea as it’s a fly box already filled with great flies.
Bumper Stickers
Get your angler a little something to decorate their ride in. Pulling into the river parking lot, it’s not uncommon to see many cars and trucks covered in fishing bumper stickers.
Boneyard fly gear has one of the best selection of original fly decal stickers I’ve seen to date. This picture above is one of their many awesome fly fishing decals.
Fishing License Plate Frame (Amazon Link) Can be bought here. Fishing themed license plate frames like the one linked here are great choices as well.
Here’s a few more of my recommendations. I do get a bit of commission if you decide to buy anything below.
Fly Line
You can’t really surprise them with this one, because you’ll want to ask them what specific type of fly line they want (Floating, sinking tip, shooting, etc). That being said most fly lines are right around the perfect price (around $60-$120) to be a solid gift choice.
A new net
Maybe their current net is wearing out, maybe it’s to heavy? Either way a new net is a solid choice for a Christmas gift if the fly angler needs one. Try to pick a wooden net, as the aluminium ones tend to be quite heavy. Try to select one with soft netting as well, this will be gentle on the fish and will be especially appreciated if your fly angler is the catch and release type. has a good article on what constitutes a good trout net.
Fly Fishing Net Soft Rubber Mesh (Amazon Link) is a great choice for a trout angler, or anyone fishing similar sized fish.
Fishing Vest
We fly anglers have so many flies, scissors, different types of fishing line (tippet), indicators, floatant, and other gizmos and gadgets that a proper vest to store it all helps a ton on the water.
I received this vest Ultra Light Fishing Vest (Amazon Link) a year ago, and would recommend it to any fly angler. If your shopping around for a different type of vest, the primary thing to keep in mind is the more pockets, the better.
Most likely your fly angler has a set of waders, but if they’re new to the sport an don’t yet have a pair, a good set of waders is an absolute game changer that will result in more (and bigger) fish being caught.
Chest Waders (Amazon Link) Can be bought here.
Polarized sunglasses
These are hugely popular with anglers all over the world, and for good reason. It’s something that an angler might not spend the money on themselves if they’ve never tried them before, so make for a great gift.
Polarized sunglasses greatly reduce the glare off the water, and make spotting fish in the water much easier.
Hatch Magazine posted a very thorough article on the best sunglasses of 2015-2016.
Stocking stuffer ideas for your fly fisherman/fisherwoman
- Indicators
- Tippet/leaders
- GINK Fly Flotant (Amazon)
. This stuff is very useful for helping dry flies float longer.
- Retractor (Amazon Link)
for attaching pliers, clips, scissors, knot tools, etc
If your fly angler is just and avid fly tyer as they are a fly fisher, check out this list for more great gift ideas.
Just for fun these cuff links are pretty cool. I wouldn’t ever have a use for them, but I imagine some angler somewhere would have an excuse to make use of them.
Your fly angler also tie their own flys? Check out these gift ideas for a fly tyer.
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