How to Dig, Prepare, and Cook Clams

What type of clams are found on Prince Edward Island I dig my clams on PEI, but the information on how to dig clams written here can be used anywhere clams are found. The species of clam listed here are found throughout most of Atlantic Canada and the North Eastern United States of America. There … Read more

Decent sized rainbow trout caught in PEI brackish estuary (video)

I was going through my old videos and found this. It’s a decent sized little rainbow trout caught last fall in Valleyfield PEI. Caught on a shrimp fly dragged along the bottom. There were several more fish caught this size that day, but the video quality on those fish didn’t end up being the best.

19 Different Fish Species to Fish for on Prince Edward Island

When you talk to most anglers on Prince Edward Island about fishing, they think of brook trout. It’s true that PEI has some of the best brook trout fishing in the Maritimes,  but there are other fish species here as well. It’s true that there is a smaller variety of fish species found on PEI … Read more

How to Find Sea Run Brook Trout?

I’m lucky enough to live in an area that brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) are still king. They can be found in every river in the province of Prince Edward island. The majority of the rivers here support a healthy sea run brook trout population. While there are resident brook trout that stay in the streams … Read more

22 Inch Steelhead Caught on a Black Leech (Video)

  This weekend I was fortunate enough to land a gorgeous female 22″ steelhead that weighs in at 5.5 pounds. The large steelhead from yesterday is tied for the title of my personal best rainbow trout. The steelhead shares the title with a bulky male steelhead I caught October of last year from the same pool. The … Read more

Gaspereau Aggression Towards Trout

The gaspereau (or alewife as they are known elsewhere) run has been going on for a few weeks now. The run happens every spring when the gaspereau come up river to breed. The gaspereau have a reputation among local fishermen for creating poor fishing conditions for brook trout. I’m inclined to agree, as for the … Read more

4 Best Eel Lures for Targeting Striped Bass

Striped bass prey on pretty much anything they come across that will fit in their mouth, although they do seem to especially enjoy preying on eels.  This makes eel lures an excellent choice for fishing striped bass. Adult american eels are slow and relatively unobservant of their surroundings when compared to many other prey species, making them … Read more

7 Great Ways to Discover New Fishing Spots

Whether you’re an angler that has just moved to a new area, a newbie angler with no idea where to start, are on vacation, or a veteran of the area that has grown bored of your usual spots, we have all at one time or another wondered how to find new fishing spots. The list below … Read more

How to Fish A Bucktail Jig for Winter Flounder.

Fishing for winter flounder can be tons of fun. They may not present the challenge of steelhead fishing, or put up the kind of fight you can expect from a striped bass, but winter flounder fishing is a fun way to spend an afternoon at the beach or on the dock. Don’t let the name … Read more